Liberty Lake Gazette conducted a straw poll last week; asking the question: Who is your choice for Liberty Lake Mayor?
Here are the results from 301 responses from 09/30/19 t0 10/06/19:
Shane Brickner: 265 (88%)
Steve Peterson: 36 (12%)
With roughly 2,000 actual ballots returned in the Primary Election, 301 is a fair sample size. However, it may not be entirely representative of the voter base.
This poll was published on and open to website visitors, various audiences on Facebook, Gazette email subscribers, and Twitter followers. It was presented to voters who are frequent users of email and social media for their news. Respondents were not qualified as registered or eligible voters.
With this in mind, it is safe to assume that Mr. Brickner would easily win in an Internet-based popularity contest. It is not safe to assume, from this poll, that the General Election will be a landslide against Incumbent Mayor Peterson.
If you would like to learn more about the mayoral and city council candidates, please visit:
Register to vote here:
Return ballots on or before Tuesday, November 5, 2019